I don’t know, just put something for me.
6 months this week!
I am 6 months pregnant now! 3 months to go. The time goes so fast. I realized that I am not like those women who already start looking for clothes, crib, names etc. Some women already thought about baby’s name eventhough they are not pregnant yet. Something might be wrong with me. Yes, I am […]
Breathing problem..
Just came back from 30 min walking. What a Sunny day. So warm. I am having breathing problem lately. My tummy is so tight that little bit of food will fill it up. I can’t eat food every couple of hours. Most of the time, I eat if I am really hungry which is a […]
I wish..
I wish my husband would do more exercise with me. I wish he would at least go for 45min walk with me. I wish he would ask me out for hiking, walking or to the gym. It would be so nice. I would be the happiest woman in the world. I don’t mind him playing […]
The baby is…..
I had ultrasound yesterday and we find out that our baby is going to be a Girl! What a joy. It was amazing to see small human being, moving, putting her hand in the mouth, small mouth opening several times. I was so amazed. Tim and I thought that she might going to be a […]
Dad is Coming!
My dad is arriving LAX at 8:30 pm. I am so happy to see him finally. After many years of inviting him to come to US, he finally made up his mind this year. I have not made any plans for where to take him yet. But I know he really wants to spend his […]
Baby’s movement?
I felt something hit on my belly. I don’t know it was the baby moving or just two glup kinda feel. The third one was very mild. Interesting! I am 4 months pregnant and I thought that from 5 months, women start feeling baby’s move. Ran 3 miles, slow and easy. It took me 30 […]
Thanksgiving at Malibu!
It was so nice to see my god sister and her family. Especially I was glad to see June and Bill (Cricket’s mom and dad). I have known them more than 10 years.
The night of Nov. 18th, after work, I felt so sick. I was hungry but could not stand eating food. My head was hurting, I got monring Sickness. Went to bed way early and got up around 9:00pm. I didn’t want to be hungry in the middle of night, so I had Raman Noddles. After […]
Tim and I went to my doctor’s appointment to find out baby’s heart beat. I was so surprised to hear it. It was so fast. From that day, I feel pregnant and it was so amazing that I am carrying human being inside me. Next month is Ultrasound appointment to find out baby’s sex. I […]
Mix felling about LA!
I went to see my childhood friend, Mandira at New Hempshire. Left LA on Nov. 1st. One of the reason that I went to see her was I really wanted to get out from LA. I am tired of people in LA. They are bunch of show off even thought they survive pay check to […]
Got any book recommendations?