I am 6 months pregnant now! 3 months to go. The time goes so fast. I realized that I am not like those women who already start looking for clothes, crib, names etc. Some women already thought about baby’s name eventhough they are not pregnant yet. Something might be wrong with me. Yes, I am too lazy!
I measured my tummy and it is 31 inches. I guess it is bit smaller for 6 months tummy. I don’t look pregnant unless I told people about it.
I still run. I did 6 miles run on Sunday. felt good but later my lower belly muscle was giving me problem (It is the baby). Go to gym at least 3 times a week. I am hoping that my baby will born healthy and smart.
Funny, I already think about teaching her math (My husband made Math PLM, he is a very good teacher), take her to Nepal, teach Nepali etc. I am very excited about it. The thing is that I don’t her to be spoil kid. I want to show her the world. I hope she will learn a lot.
6 months this week!