I have not been this sick before. It started just before we went to Honululu for our friend’s wedding. I felt slight pain on the place where the doc took out the tooth for bone grafting. And I was putting temporary tooth on that empty place. When there was a pain I just took Acetaminophen. Worked fine. After we got back from Honolulu, the pain got bad, Now I felt swollen lymphnodes on my throat. One point it got so bad that I could not swollow food. I woke up couple of times at night and had pain reliever tablets. One point it got so bad that I went to ER. The lymphonodes were sollwen, the gum was hurting, and ear was hurting. Went to ER, waited an hour and the doc prescribed me antibiotics. Had for 10 days. Felt little better but surpirsingly, the pain moved from left side to right side of my throat. So, went to Peridontist to see if there is an infection on the place where he exctract the tooth. He didn’t find any empty pockets in the gum. He wanted me to go to see my local dentist and saw her on May 3rd. She found nothing. I was so glad that the pain was not from my teeth or gum (I have a long history of gum problems). So, I made an appointment to see MD. But on the same day, I had to go to see a girl who might work at my work. We were suppose to meet at Encino at 1:00pm but they didn’t show up till 1:45pm. I was in Barnes & Nobles, waiting for them. I just felt so cold. I thought that it might be from AC. I was cold all the time when I was at Encino. Came home, made some tea so that I will feel warm. But no. My head hurt, I was feeling bad. So, I measure my body temprature and it was 102F! Whole night I had fever. Took acetaminophen. I started getting stomach cramp. Had to go to restroom so many times. I felt so weak. Tim stayed home on Thursday, May 3rd. I am so glad that he did. He took care of the baby while I took rest. My fever was inbetween 101-103 F. On friday, I went to restroom for 7-8 times. Took pain reliever for swollen lymphonodes. I am still feeling bad. It is not fun being sick!
It is not fun being sick!