Wet Friday…

The news says that it is going to rain today. I won’t mind. We really need rain here. I am glad that I ran 6 miles this morning. It was sprinkle but that didn’t stop me. I have not run for 2 days and had big dinner last night. I had so much energy when I woke up that I had to use it. 🙂 I wanted to run more than 6 miles but was afraid of heavy rain. It is 7:05 am not even shower yet.
I go to running websites. Some people are so addicted to running. They care about how much Carb, Protein they should have, what happened at 1 mile, 2 miles, 3 miles etc, what was their pace each mile. They have their running gadget which tells the pace, heart beat, calorie burn each mile etc. They talk about what songs they download on their iPod. Crazy! I am glad that I am not that obsessed about running. I love running because it makes me feel so good at the end, I feel so energetic the whole day. Running makes me see things in a positive ways. It sound funny to some people but not to me. I can see the difference when I run or not run on the day.
I love my shoes which I got on April 1st, 2007. Actually I am so proud of it. It is New Balance 767. I had New balance 991 which cost me $127. It was good but pricey. I wanted to try other brands but end up buying New Balance again! But this time 767. When I bought it, it was way cheaper which I didn’t know until I went to the cash register. It cost me $95. I am so happy because it was cheaper and it is comfortable like 991. This is why I am so proud that I have New Balance 767!



