I noticed that Saranya has been eating a lot. I am still breast feeding her. I might breat feed her till she will be 1 years old which is not that far! I enjoy breastfeeding her, it is so convenient. In the plane, whenever she got fussy, I just gave her milk which made her quiet. Me and my husband were glad about it.
She also has been trying to stand up lately. It is neat to see her doing it.
I get tired easily nowadays. Might be from feeding Saranya a lot or not eating enough food or from running.
Lately I have been thinking that buying a new pair of shoes and running t-shirt will make me happy. Summer is here and I do want to wear light clothes. 🙂
I did run 6 miles today. Was still tried but that piece of Chocolate that I had in the morning, fuel me.
Saranya has been…..