I think I will start this page by complaining about my daughter. She has been fussing a lot especially at night time for a month. She won’t have problems in the morning and during the day time she goes back to sleep fine but when the night comes, she gets fussy and cranky. It makes me tired and Cranky. I gave her bath before her sleep, and it didn’t help. Tim thinks that she might be afraid of dark, I don’t think so but who knows. She wakes up 2-3 times at night crying. I guess, I have to feed her good at night or make her very tired with activites before she goes to sleep.
It is morning,7:30 am. I got up at 5:00am, feed the baby because she woke up crying, and left the house around 5:35am for my 6 miles run. The sun comes early now. I love the clean, quiet morning. I am glad that both my daughter and husband are sleeping. Morning time, all MINE! 🙂
Sleepless nights…