I think sometimes that world is very sad. Everywhere you look, people are greedy, unhappy with what they have (even though they have all the stuff), killing each other in the name of religion, greed of having more land and want to be on the top (politics). I feel sad when poor people dying of hunger and poverty. The struggle they do to live, is heart wrenching. It is very sad. It makes me angry when people with money complain or desire new cars, their cars are not good enough, what is so popular now in fashion, Organic food etc. What a pathetic people! I just want to slap them so hard, They make me so angry.
I am greedy in someway too but just thinking about these poor people, I stop being worry about myself. I say again and again that I have a happy family, my husband and cute baby girl, I do not have to worry about what to eat today, I have a car, warm place to live, financially secure. I should not be complainer, I should be peaceful with my innerself.