I should wrote down everyday about what,where, which, how, why…my daughter did such and such if I were a new mom but I have not done these things. Does it make me bad mom or unexcited mom? I hope not. Well, this thing happened two days ago around 4:30 am when Saranya woke up fussy. I fed and change her diaper. I felt asleep, all of sudden I felt poking on my thigh twice. I opened my eyes and looked at Saranya. She was smiling at me. She pocked me with her foot to get my attention! I was so impressed. I didn’t know that babies are so smart! She is just 3 months old and I was expecting anything like this. I realize now when mothers used to tell me that they love to be with their babies instead of going to work or hiring a babysitter because they will miss all these neat stuff babies do!
Being a mom is not easy job. It is t iring, stressful but at the same time fun when your baby does funny things or make funny noise and facial expressions. I hope I will have more fun everyday with Saranya!