17th May, 2006
I am supposed to due on this date.My OBGy was very confident that I will have a baby around the due date. Guess what, WRONG. I don’t blame him, happens all the time. Before May 17th, I was telling everybody that I want baby to come out anytime, I am tired of carrying it, tired of not able to sleep both sides, tired of stuffed myself with palm size food, tired of not able to bend and clean my feet etc. But I forget about Nasty, painful CONTRACTION! Nobody told me how painful it will be. I asked my friend about it and she said that she didn’t want me to scare by telling me horrible stories about contraction. Thank you!
So, 17trh May, the contraction started. It feels like when we (women) have stomach cramp during period, but worse, 10rth times worse. Also I felt pain on the back. The contraction came 4 min, sometimes 5 or 6 min apart. It was horrible. Everytime I had it, I told Tim and he would come and helped me by massaging my back or encourging me, which was very helpful. Around 3:00 am, we decided to go the hospital (I thought I reached the peak of contraction but not yet). The nurse checked how much my cervi was dialeted. It was just 1 to 2 cm, not enough for me to have epideral. To have it, cervix has to dialeted for 3 cm. Frustrated, we had to go home.
18th May, 2006:
Got home around 6 am. My contraction started around 7 am. It was worse than 17th, 20 times! The contraction was 5 or 6 min apart and it was very painful. It was so painful that I couldn’t sit down or lie down on the bed. I felt baby moving trying to get out. Cramp got worse and so did back pain. I waited till 10:30 pm when I really felt the worse contraction. I knew that the baby is way down, wants to come anytime. So, we packed out stuff and went to the hospital. I was so glad to find out that my cervix was 5 cm dialeted. YES! Epideral time. After I had that, I felt SO good. Felt like I am in the heaven. NO PAIN. I slept well, since I haven’t slept for 2 days.
19th May, 2006:
I stared pushing around 7:15 am. I told the nurse that I want the mirrow so that I can the baby come out. It was amazing.I saw her tiny head with lots of fine hair (not spiky like all the asian babies have it) everytime I pushed. I pushed so hard because I really wanted her to out ( I didn’t realize that I re-injured my butt muscle which I am paying now). Baby came out at 8:08 am. The doctor put her on my chest. I felt heavy lump rested on my chest. I heard crying and I thought I couldn’t believe that I was carryingthis big baby, and she is mine. First thing I saw was those big eyes (it looked big at that time) and she was crying. Neat thing was, When I called her name, she stopped crying. Babies know their mom’s voice.
20th, 21th May 2006:
Stayed at the hospital. My god sister, Cricket came. She was so happy to Saranya. My borther-in-law, his wife, jennifer and her father came. My mother-in-law came. She was glad to see her first grand kid. Thanked for having Saranya.
Came home on 21th May, in the afternoon. I don’t think that our life change completely but one thing, we spent more time with the baby now. I feed her often. It took us couple days to figure out her schedules. She sleeps good in the morning. She like to go to bed bet 11:00pm-1:00pm. She sleeps till 6:00 am. I will feed her and change her diaper. She goes back to sleep till 9:00am.
Tim is a very good dad. He adores Saranya. He thinks that she is the most beautiful baby. He is learning how to change diapers, burping, giving her bottle milk. And he is getting better everyday. He does most of the household chores. Amazing. Nice to see good changes on Guys.