Morning Sickness and injury on my thigh muscle. It has been two weeks I felt them both at the same time. I go through so many injury every year. I am a runner and like to run even though I am tired. The day This injury happened was when I ran 8 miles, had half an hour dance, did lots of other activites without taking rest. Next day, Saturday, I went to downtown for beadshopping and I was standing up for 5 hours straight. On Sunday, I couldn’t move my whole body. So painful. I never felt that in my life before. I rested whole day laying down. Monday was no better than Sunday. SInce then I still have injured muscle. If I don’t run, I get crancky, lazy and I feel whole day worthless. So, I went to gym and did biking. I thought biking might be okay for my muslce. But found out yesterday that it was not beacuse my musle still hurt. So, I decided to take a week rest (No biking) which will be hard. I really want my muscle to get better so that I can go running. Since my morning sickness, I don’t like to drink coffee, no peanuts, no icecreams. But I like to have spicy food and chips! I am sure that I gain couple of pounds. Tim and I have been planning to have a family this year. Guess what, I might be pregnant!
Two together!