Month: June 2007

  • Today is my B’Day!


  • What a week!

    This week was so busy for me. Thanks god,I survived. Business was okay. The weather was killing hot! I think Sun, dust, smoke from cars made my whole body itchy. Got bumps from itching. That was horrible. We thought I have some kind of allergie like peanuts. How did that happened. I love peanuts. But […]

  • All sick!

    Everybody at the house is coughing. I am better compare to my husband and daughter. We feel really bad when Saranya wakes up crying because of plugged nose. She has runny nose and cough, poor baby. Saranya was pretty good at Day care. She didn’t cry or look for mommy and daddy. I know my […]

  • First Day of Day Care!

    I am so nervous of leaving Saranya at Day care today. It is going to be different experience for me and her. I feel so bad about leaving her with other people but on the other hand, I hope she will get to know other babies and toddlers of her age. I am so luckey […]